Neighbourhood – turning future redundant parking bays & abandoned spaces into multi-functional waste-based hubs
City - generating live data to inform policy-decisions and as an essential tool for the design of new infrastructure, amenities or urban centres.
We foresee a future where automated and shared vehicles have lightened the demand for London’s parking, freeing up ‘micro-sites’ in London’s boroughs. We propose a series of parking-bay sized units combining small-scale recycling with facilities for compressing waste, producing energy and – crucially – data analysis.
Over time we envisage a proliferation of parking-bay sized units hosting a variety of activities (including research, design and communal cooking) which feed into the waste-based economy. These units would be located across the city, reducing the burden on waste services and creating a decentralised network of community hubs.

The UK produces around 27 million tonnes of household waste per year, equal to around 400kg of waste per person each year. But we are also wasting 400kg of data.
If we track, analyse and understand the waste of citizens, we gain a far more honest insight of what they are consuming, wasting or replacing. It can also help us to understand how people change their behaviour in response to different conditions (social, economic or physical) such as food shortages, price changes and marketing campaigns - future archaeology.
With data we move from knowing the quantitative amounts, to understanding the qualitative. This becomes a powerful tool for designers and planners when considering the future of the city and how we live.
Our proposal rethinks our attitude toward waste at three scales:
Personal - decentralising waste management, and introducing a waste-based type of currency for exchanges & benefits, such as TfL credits.

Project : Exhibition / research & development
Seoul Biennale 2019
Timescale : LIVE September 7 - November 10 2019
Size : A0 Poster
Location : Seoul, South Korea